Welcome To The Hompage Of The Vining
Genalogy Exchange. Here you will find the latest
information concerning theVining Family and related
02-17-98 Page completely redone and added a
04-05-99 Few errors came to my attention, the
background page was some reason a copy of the about us
page, we are working to correct this problem as soon as
possible. Also changed email address's to current ones.
Fixed the problem with the page counter, it should be
working now. Removed the mirror from the UK due to email
address changes, still contemplating wether or not to use
them, email crimson if you feel that we should keep the
UK mirror.
04-06-99 Newsletter has been removed from
services. UK mirror has been readded. Finally figured out
how to read the guestbook responses :), I couldn't figure
out how to view what other people added until I entered
one and then viewed, there is now going to be a link to
view the guestbook. I have also made a link to be able to
add to the guestbook as well. Updated the Books Section
under Services. Queries page has been fixed and updated.
